7 Must Use Supplements For Bodybuilders.

So everyone getting into beast mode in the gym and trying their very best to stay on the clean diet. Doing the best you can and still not getting those results? Thinking to move on to those costly supplements? Sure those supplements will take you to next level but are you sure your body is ready to take those? What if I tell you that you need some very important supplements other than Whey, Creatine, BCAAs etc.? In short before you start hitting on those costly supplements you need to make sure your body is ready to take those. So here is list of 7 most important supplement for a gym goer.

1) MultiVitamins

Multivitamin and mineral supplements are possibly the most important single supplement that can be consumed by bodybuilders and athletes. The human body must be supplied with an immense and complex array of essential nutrients for it to perform at its maximum potential. Becoming deficient in just one of these vitamins or minerals breaks down the metabolic pathway that produces optimum efficiency and performance declines. Many bodybuilders underrate the value of multivitamins.
What Multivitamins do I prefer or advice? Becadexamin (Capsules).

Becadexamin’s 30 capsules bottle cost less than Rs. 30. Capsule contains Calcium Dibasic Phosphate, Copper Sulphate, D-Panthenol, Ferrous Fumarate, Folic Acid, Magnesium Oxide, Manganese Sulphate, Nicotinamide, Potassium Iodide, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, and Zinc Sulphate as active ingredients. Even a non gym goers can take these capsules. The recommended dosage on bottle is 2 

capsules, which is for non gym goers. However gym goers have to take 4 capsules a day as their bodies bearing a lot more pressure than normal people. You can take these with you breakfast.
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2) Evion 600

EVION 600 is very good source of Vitamin E. As Vitamin E is an essential Vitamin our bodies can’t produce itself. In order to meet Vitamin E need we have to manage it through our Diet. It is one of the most important and effective antioxidants. Besides promoting muscle growth and inhibiting muscle breakdown, it provides a host of health benefits that include improved cardiovascular, immune and eye health, as well as cancer prevention. Vitamin E is also very good for your skin. 10 capsules 

of Evion 600 costs around Rs. 30. Evion 600 capsules are oil based so not more than 1 capsule to be taken in one day. It should be taken post workout as it helps to detoxify you body and helps to recover your muscles fast.
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3) Celin 500​

It comes in the form of tables and is and excellent source of Vitamin C. It is an antioxidant as well. Antioxidants are nutrients that block some of the damage caused by free radicals, which are by-products that result when our bodies transform food into energy. Antioxidants also possibly help reduce the damage to the body caused by toxic chemicals and pollutants such as cigarette smoke.

Vitamin C is required for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It is used to form collagen, a protein used to make skin, scar tissue, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. It is also essential for the healing of wounds, and for the repair and maintenance of people’s cartilage, bones, and teeth. C also helps with blood pressure by strengthening the walls of the arteries. It can also prevent damage to cells caused by aging as well as help reduce stress.
Celin 500 30 tablets cost around Rs 30. Two tablets can be taken post workout.
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4) Lubrijoint Plus​

Lubrijoint Plus is a Glucosamine source. Glucosamine is naturally found in bones and cartilages. As we only eat flesh of chicken and not their bones we lack Glucosamine. Glucosamine helps to make our joints strong. We continuously work on making our muscles strong but we forgot about our joints. Lubrijoint Plus is one perfect supplement to strengthen your joints. It is made up using bones so strict vegetarians may consider before consuming it. A 60 tablet bottle of Lubrijoint Plus 

costs around Rs 350 and recommended dosage is 1 tablet any time of the day. 
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5) Vitamin D​

Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption and helps maintain Calcium concentrations in the blood as well as mineralization of bone. What does this have to do with muscle? Bone pulls on muscle making it stronger. If you want strong bones, you better have strong muscles and vice versa!

Vitamin D affects some aspects of immunity including the development of certain autoimmune diseases. How does this relate to muscle tissue? The symptoms of each autoimmune disease vary tremendously. From cold hands to alterations in insulin regulation to feeling fatigued, many of the symptoms can make you feel downright crummy at times. And when you feel bad, training may be the last thing on your mind. Or, even if you make it to the gym, your workouts may suffer.
Besides sunlight , JusDee 2000 is very cheap source of Vitamin D. Ten tablets of JusDee 2000 Costs around Rs 12 and recommended dosage is 2 tablets before sleeping.
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6) Cod Liver Oil​

Cod Liver or Fish Oil is an excellent source of Omega3 fatty Acids. Omega3 is well known of its benefits for heart. Studies have shown that when our body get a sufficient amount of omega-3 fish oil, we can gain more muscle. Researchers theorize that this is the effect of nutrient partitioning. In other words; calories that might originally be stored as fat can be partitioned into muscle.Omega-3 fatty acids combined with exercise provides significantly greater fat loss benefits than exercise or using 

omega-3 fish oil alone. Best benefit is that the fat loss occurs in the abdominal region. This has been tested on real people. Omega-3 fatty acids can increase insulin sensitivity, which leads to less fat storage and more fat release. These are just a few examples for how omega-3 fatty acids can help you lose fat.
people. Omega-3 fatty acids can increase insulin sensitivity, which leads to less fat storage and more fat release. These are just a few examples for how omega-3 fatty acids can help you lose fat.There is one big obstacle bodybuilders and athletes are facing. Preventing injuries and keeping great overall health for best performance. Besides the vast amount of benefits, omega-3 fish oil has proven to reduce the stiffness in your joints, improve your blood flow and enhance your recovery. 
SEACOD 120 casules bottle costs around Rs. 219 and recommended dosage is 9 capsules in the night (Capsules are very small in size so in order to meet the required dosage these needs to be taken these much)
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Gokshura is Himalayan product which helps in producing more Testosterone. In bodybuilding everyone knows the importance of Testosterone and those who don’t Testosterone is male hormone which promotes the muscle growth. The more Testosterone you have the more muscle you can pack on. Gokshura’s 60 Tablet pack costs around Rs. 220 in local stores but on Amazon 2 bottles of 60 tablets are available for Rs 220

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